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Le Forum des consoles portables

#1 05-01-2012 10:35:54

Date d'inscription: 05-01-2012
Messages: 2

Galaxy Eagle i & R4

R4i Redant

This R4 is a not very popular clone but it supports homebrew and commercial games but is designed for the NDS homebrew community to play their games. There are a few technical issues including support for 2GB MicroSD's. Most other r4's support up to 32GB FAT32 MicroSD's, Can not run on updated DSi Consoles and sometimes the "Games" section goes corrupt. The real product r4 SDHC Red does not have these technical issues and supports all MicroSD's, and though Redant is a fake, no DS's have been bricked and may only crash when running pirated games. The R4i Redant product is slold out now.
  Galaxy Eagle i

It has been confirmed by sources close to the AKAIO developers that the Galaxy Eagle I is an Acekard 2i clone. While the GEi developers would have you believe otherwise, the firmware has been examined and the following facts emerged. The GEi is running a combination firmware solution which incorporates an R4-like firmware (based on the official AK2i firmware which Acekard modified to look like the R4 for their official OEM R4Ultra) and the decrypted/hacked AKAIO 1.6 courtesy of Rudolph (GBA ExpLoader developer). Apparently the Flash Kit is using both firmwares to keep a current ROM compatibility, however this may be incorrect as the firmware was only briefly examined.

AKAIO Firmware 1.7 and up is more securely encrypted, and the AKAIO 1.7+ loaders can not be used for AKAIO 1.6. Meaning that the GEi firmware will only be updated as an unofficial R4Ultra firmware.

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